
Everyone has a unique practice journey. No matter where you are in that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more freedom in your life.


I'm Dr. Regina Druz

While pursuing my executive MBA, I was surprised to find out that business strategy, a must for any company or business to enable it to survive and thrive, was not finding much of a foothold in healthcare. Working in a large healthcare system, launching a private practice, and leading a specialty service program as a national corporate executive in a value-based care organization, I had a front-row seat to organizational missteps and blunders. But it does not have to be this way! Regardless of the size, location, or specialty, with smart strategic decisions and a little hard work, any healthcare entity can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

I learned this lesson firsthand while successfully positioning my private practice for exit, and leaning into the strategy to turn around a  financial loss in a community hospital. Now I use my expertise and success to help physicians just like you to start or scale a concierge practice.  I’ll show you how to create the security and freedom you have been dreaming of.


Make More

Learn how to increase your practice revenue each month with fewer patients.

Eliminate Insurance

Cut payors who devalue your services and set fair and transparent prices.

Invest in Yourself

Learn how to add value and create exceptional patient and physician experiences.


My Story

I always knew I wanted more than being a spoke in a cogwheel of Big Medicine. After graduating from Weill Cornell University Medical School, and the New York Presbyterian Hospital Cardiology fellowship, I thought my future was a guaranteed success. Then once I started taking on leadership roles, the reality of medicine kicked in... the harder I worked, the less valued I felt.

I felt frustrated and helpless but had worked too hard to let my dreams slip away. I dove into digital innovation, and integrative medicine, and built a practice that allowed me to eliminate frustration, overcome burnout, and invest in my professional future. Now I empower others on their journey to a fulfilling practice and professional freedom.

Why I Do It

Business acumen is not a term I ever heard in my childhood, college, or medical training. While my professional parents did their best to provide for our family, they worked very hard for someone else. They never felt ready or capable of working for themselves. Starting and running a business was an unchartered territory. As a physician, I inherited the same view, thinking that the practice of medicine should not be involved with business considerations...

Needless to say, nothing can be further from the truth. Yet many physicians continue to look at medicine and business as incompatible fields. In doing so, they are woefully unprepared to lead their practices or organizations or to chart their own professional journey. So I made it my mission to help as many physicians as possible to create a business skillset and a better life for themselves and their patients.


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